Session RSVP for VEs - Self add and remove in ExamTools
Allow VEs to view sessions scheduled for VEC and select the sessions they plan to work. Session managers would have an option to share session with all VEs for a VEC or to keep privately listed and add VEs manually. Allow VEs to self-remove from session roster up until the session has started.
Comments: 10
30 Aug, '20
Dave DiGiorgioGreat idea Heather!
30 Aug, '20
Heather KM6ZQBI did not realize how intuitive it was to look for up coming sessions within ExamTools until yesterday when the two new VEs were both in ExamStudy at the same time looking for the next sessions. One of the other VEs and myself already have some sessions in the future so it looked like something was wrong. Not sure how much work this would be to add, but it would really help consolidate the whole process for VEs.
30 Aug, '20
Richard BatemanHmm; interesting thought. Not really applicable to a local team, but for online teams I can see the use case.
02 Sep, '20
N6ATFSubfeature to this: any session shared with all VEs for a VEC will send whatever the easiest free notification is, to every VE who subscribes/requests/allows notifications for their VEC. I suspect that would be in-browser (leave the tab open)?
18 Dec, '20
n2ygkEven for online I want to control who my VEs are for a session. I would not just blindly accept any and all VEs from my VEC. Sorry, but that's too many people that I haven't personally vetted. I believe this is what Richard's teams approach is addressing.
18 Dec, '20
Richard BatemanIf it were implemented it would still require a team lead to approve requests to add -- it would not simply allow anyone in. It would also be an "opt in" feature.
18 Dec, '20
Nick n1cckI’ve said this elsewhere, but I’m not necessarily a fan of VEs depending on ExamTools as a calendar; it’s not necessarily complete, and there are better tools for the job.
20 Dec, '20
Heather KM6ZQBI imagine that we could also have an option to not share the session with all the VEs in ET. I have a dummy session which I move to the next session which I have. The dummy session has the VEs who have participated in my sessions in the past. The session tells VEs to go RSVP on the calendar in We may just need somehow to hide or share the sessions. I have been holding off posting my sessions until about a week out. So the VEs can't even see the session on HamStudy until the week of. We also aren't adding VEs until hours before and when they are in the session. They just don't know about it unless we use another method. So I use the dummy session as a place holder until I have added the VEs to the real session. I then move the dummy forward to the next scheduled one.
22 Jan, '21
Ben Franske - K0BENI came at this a different way which is to add this as an API capability to ExamTools so that other tools could be used by a VEC to organize/schedule VEs and could push those VEs up to ExamTools. See
26 Jan, '22
Richard Bateman AdminThis will be added as a feature with examteams, but it is not a high priority compared to other things that are planned