Add Show Only Available checkbox on
Candidates can currently filter by online vs. in-person but the online listings are cluttered with full (mostly single-candidate) sessions. Add a check box (preferably the default) to only show session with availability.
Comments: 5
11 Oct, '20
Heather ParkerI wondered why this wasn't already a sort method. If I was looking to register, I would want to look for available sessions, too!
15 Nov, '20
Bryan GonderingerYes, this functionality would be nice to reduce clutter on session list page. Perhaps make it "Include Full Sessions" and default to unchecked.
08 Feb, '21
n2ygkFurther to this suggestion, how about a listing sort option which **only** list sessions that have registrations that are managed by *and* have available slots (Preregistration required checked and Do not list on not checked)?
08 Feb, '21
Bryan GonderingerNot familiar with sessions that are not managed by (are they something like this:
Would such sessions have an "available slots" associated with them in the first place?
The session I linked to above has "session full" in the title, so it's not showing with the typical "(session full)" indicator, and would presumably not be filtered out with the "show sessions with available slots" functionality (unless there was a modification made so that the session owner could set a "Session is full" flag or something. -
08 Feb, '21
Heather KM6ZQBI would think that the sorting or limiting would be done on whether the session had an active register button. If the button was not displaying, then it could be assumed that the session was full in the case of an online exam.