showed void applicant info on manifest and docs
The manifest does not show Voided applicants. The suggestion was made that the manifest should show voided applicant with a "V" under the column for the exam. Also the answer sheet with the questions that were answered along with the reason for the exam being voided. This would give the VEC complete documentation on all of the applicants.
Comments: 2
07 Jun, '21
Allan BatteigerVoid because of cheating needs to be a failure. We need a way to over-ride a pass in case of cheating.
30 Jun, '21
SteveAn idea that is kind of related: Have a way for the VE to end and grade the exam without the applicant's device being available. For example: applicant has to leave test area and VEs wish to grade the exam, at the point where the applicant left off, but not void it altogether, as if the applicant stopped and hit their black button for grading an incomplete exam. Basically give the VEs one of those black button options also.